Questions parlementaires
- Question avec demande de réponse écrite E-000342/2023
- au vice-président de la Commission/haut représentant de l’Union pour les affaires étrangères
et la politique de sécurité - Article 138 du règlement intérieur
- Jaak Madison (ID), Gunnar Beck (ID), Annika Bruna (ID), Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR), Susanna
Ceccardi (ID), Margarita de la Pisa Carrión (ECR), Nicolaus Fest (ID), Carlo Fidanza (ECR),
Jean-Paul Garraud (ID), Matteo Gazzini (ID), Roman Haider (ID), Teuvo Hakkarainen (ID),
Virginie Joron (ID), Maximilian Krah (ID), Elżbieta Kruk (ECR), Joachim Kuhs (ID), Jean-Lin
Lacapelle (ID), Ioannis Lagos (NI), Gilles Lebreton (ID), Georg Mayer (ID), Rob Rooken (ECR),
Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI), Hermann Tertsch (ECR), Milan Uhrík (NI), Harald Vilimsky (ID), Anders
Vistisen (ID), Anna Zalewska (ECR), Kosma Złotowski (ECR), Tom Vandendriessche (ID),
Robert Roos (ECR), Christine Anderson (ID), Ivan David (ID)
Objet: Funding of human rights NGOs
The Qatargate scandal has revealed that nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and third states unduly influence decisions of the European Parliament. Communications between the European Parliament’s various secretariats and NGOs also reveal a level of favouritism when it comes to which NGOs receive information or requests for input. In this regard, it would be interesting to determine how much funding these NGOs receive from the EU.
1. Concretely, how much EU funding has gone to the following NGOs since 2014:
a. Fight Impunity
b. EuroMed Rights
c. Amnesty International
d. Front Line Defenders
e. Open Society Foundations
f. Civil Rights Defenders
g. ‘Droit au Droit’ – Right to Law
h. No Peace without Justice
2. Which meetings has the Commission had since 2014 with the above NGOs?